Monday, May 14, 2018

May 4, 2018 in Ellsworth, Maine


It has been another wonderful week in Ellsworth! We had Zone Pday today in Acadia Nat. Park which was awesome so I’m short on time.

A. is doing great! We had a church tour with him and he loved it! He’s hoping this next Saturday to get his whole family to church. He especially loved the art at the church. Talking about Jesus visiting the people in America, or quoting the first vision while looking at a painting of the experience is powerful! :) We saw him in the park later in the week and were able to have him sign our Mother’s Day board! We had been meeting with our ward Mission leader in the park so we were able to introduce them which was super, they had a great time talking! Thanks members! :)

A. is also well, she and K. came to church. A. is still progressing towards her baptismal date of June 16. We’re working on scheduling her interview! This last week when we taught her she gave us some Vermont maple syrup from her brother who lives there! We had some great pancakes after our run the next morning!

P!! We got to meet him because of a crazy miraculous change of plans because an Elder forgot his tablet after District Meeting. We had been planning on going to Bar Harbor that night but had to head half way to Machias instead. On their way back we adjusted plans and decided to stop by P. He let us right in and we were able to teach. The spirit was SOOO strong, and he understood what we taught. I could go on and on about it, and probably will later, but because of time today I’ll just say he really wants to learn and grow, wants to get his family to church, and has a baptismal date now for July 7th! :)

Others are good. We dropped a few who aren't putting in the effort to learn, and may drop some more. The good part is, meeting new people to teach is my favorite thing! :)

Have a great week, thanks for all you do to share the gospel with those around you! Even if you feel like you don’t know anyone who needs the gospel, I promise you do. Even if your sphere of influence is small, pray for missionary opportunities, fast for them monthly, and do the best to live the gospel yourself, and God will show you who you are called to serve.

Have a great week!
Elder Branch