Monday, June 18, 2018

June 18, 2018 in Ellsworth, Maine

I’m convinced every time I think it’s really summer here, it’s a trick. It’s like April fools, but each week! ;) It gets warm and we’re sure we’re about to die because our apartment has no ac, nor does it have any windows that would work with an ac. (We have 3 mighty fans though 👍). Then, just when we’re sure the end is near, it’s chilly again the next day and we’re wearing jackets. What a blessing! :)

We did have a splendid week! A. was baptized!! 😃 She worked so hard and she did it! I’m amazed at the true conversion she has had. I’m 193% convinced that if you want to know the church is true, you NEED to read the Book of Mormon. M. read religiously and got all the way to 3rd Nephi before her baptism. A. has read the Book of Mormon almost 2 times through! She brought her copy to the church to have people mark their favorite scriptures at her baptism. We asked if she wanted a new copy, but she said she wanted to use hers! :) When I got to mark mine at the baptism I was so touched. I don’t know if I’ve ever seen a classic missionary blue copy of the Book of Mormon that was so worn! It wasn’t worn because of poor care, it had been seriously searched. I have to say again, I was so touched. I hope I’m as awesome as A. when I grow up. :)

We were so busy with that and the Mission tour this week I don’t have a lot more to report. I have been considering how to work smarter, rather than harder as a missionary. Elder Stanfill said we work hard as missionaries. We plan, contact people, and do all we can. What we need to do to move from a good Mission to a great Mission is work smarter.

We have an insane week with New Missionary and Trainers Meeting tomorrow, then exchanges down there the next day before some other big event and meeting we’ll be helping with. So, we’ll get back late Thursday. Then Saturday we are doing the Softball tournament for P. We have dropped his date to be baptized because of how busy he is, but we did a little dtr and decided to take a break for 2 weeks from trying to meet because of his busy schedule. We’ll still send little inspirations though. :)

Life is good, lots of things going on. Hope you all have a great week!
Elder Branch